Kids DOK

Kids DOK

Kids DOK brings together films for all who are eager for funny and thoughtful viewing experiences. During the festival week, we show five film programmes for kids and young audiences.
Illustration: Ein kleiner Elefant mit einem Partyhütchen schaut mit offenem Mund auf einen angebissenen Kuchen, der auf dem Tisch steht.
Film scene of “Cake Ballad” (Kuchenballade) by Meike Fehre
© Ahoifilm
About Kids DOK

With Kids DOK, we present German and international film productions whose narratives and artistic language take children and young people seriously. In age-appropriate curated programmes, the two branches of the festival come together to win a young audience over to the wealth and variety of cinema: to the witty ingeniousness of animation and the boundless, all-encompassing curiosity of the documentary. 

Each programme combines animated short films about amazing and curious events and new documentary films about the banal and the extraordinary, all of which make the world of children and young people tangible.

Ticket sales begin on 21 September, but daycare and after-school groups can register with us now at kids [at] dok-leipzig [dot] de (kids[at]dok-leipzig[dot]de).

Browse all 2023 Kids DOK films.

Screening Dates

Illustration: An einem Flugzeug hängt eine riesengroße Kiste an einem Seil. Im Hintergrund die Silhouette einer Stadt.
Films for all 4+

A colourful mix for the youngest, taking us into fantastic and exciting worlds: With animated films about singing elephants, huge crates, socks in the washing machine, and a documentary about life on a farm in Senegal.

  • Wednesday, 11/10, 10:00 – Passage Kinos
  • Saturday, 14/10, 15:00 – Schauburg
  • ADD-ON: Sunday, 15/10, 11:30 – Passage Kinos
Ein Mädchen steht in einer Kung-Fu-Pose, sie trägt einen orangenen Kung-Fu-Anzug.
Films for all 6+

The world is colourful and worth living in, even if there are obstacles to overcome. A programme for (pre-)school kids with animated films about arriving, saying goodbye and belonging, and a documentary film about a young kung fu fighter from Berlin.

  • Thursday, 12/10, 10:00 – Passage Kinos
  • Sunday, 15/10, 14:30 – Schauburg
Illustration: Ein Kind liegt auf einer Decke und blickt zur Seite. Daneben steht eine Strandtasche aus Bast mit einer Zeitschrift, Wasserflasche und einem Handtuch.
Films for all 8+

Edgar has a calf, Leonie likes pigs, Nele dreams of a balloon ride, and Paul’s summer trip doesn’t end as planned. Four stories from everyday life in an entertaining mix of animated and documentary films for primary school children.

  • Friday, 13/10, 10:00 – Passage Kinos
  • Saturday, 14/10, 14:30 – Regina Palast
Eine Betonlandschaft aus langen Wegen mit mehreren Stufen. Im Vordergrund ein Schild mit einem durchgestrichenen Skateboard. An der Seite sitzen drei Jugendliche im Schatten eines Baums.
Films for all 12+

Four animated and documentary films with strong protagonists who show us their worlds: Pippa and Victoria skate the city, Tatheer outgrows herself, Birta and Selma rescue puffins, and a beetle goes on an involuntary journey.

  • Thursday, 12/10, 15:00 – Passage Kinos
  • Saturday, 14/10, 15:00 – CineStar
Ein Mädchen mit einem Efeu-Kranz um das lange Haar geht auf einer Straße. Ihr gegenüber stehen etwa ein Dutzend Polizisten in Uniform und mit Schutzschildern.
Films for all 14+

Bo and Luca are close friends and enthusiastic climate activists. “Planet B” follows the two over a period of four years as they grow up. But first a cheerful and buoyant animation about the joys of solitude in (almost) black and white.

  • Friday, 13/10, 15:00 – Passage Kinos
  • Sunday, 15/10, 15:00 – CineStar
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