DOK Industry Podcasts

DOK Industry Podcasts

Turn your screens off and enjoy our portable discussion, now available on almost all major podcast platforms. We joyfully present the fifth season of our DOK Industry Podcasts in 2024.
Eine Person hält ein Smartphone in der Hand, darauf steht "DOK Industry Podcast".
© Sophie Mahler

We acknowledge that the cultural establishment of which we are part still needs to undergo a fundamental transformation of true inclusivity.

The DOK Industry Podcast offers a space for dialogue and debate. From its start, the podcast was a platform for conversation around the creation, curation and criticism of creative documentary and animated films, story ownership, decolonising archives, interrogations of positions of power, pathways into the industry for underrepresented and marginalised professionals and the construction of an inclusive industry. 

The DOK Industry Podcast reflects the opinions and viewpoints of its participants. We do not engage in censorship. Consequently, the statements made here do not necessarily reflect the position of DOK Leipzig.    

The DOK Industry podcasts are produced in collaboration with our dear friends, the Programmers of Colour Collective (POC2) and The What’s Up With Docs Podcast. We have conceived together a string of discussions that challenge the status quo. We strive to embrace the nuances and contradictions of a complex reality. In personal and truthful conversations between sparring partners, the creators, moderators and guests amplify diverse, overlooked and alternative perspectives for listeners to engage and empathise with. 

Read more about the podcast episodes and download them here on our website or tune in on Podigee, Apple Podcast or Spotify.


Season 5

The Curator and two guests of the first podcast episode
Episode 1
Power of the Pipeline

This conversation is a celebration. It’s a dive into creative liberation and the possibilities with the right resources and validation delivered with care. Join Lanaa Dantzler, Contessa Gayles, and Shakira Refos for an investigation of pipeline programmes and different types of mentorship methods.

The three portraits of podcast moderator Sunil Sadarangani and guests Apoorva Bakshi and Selvamani Selvaraj
Episode 2 Part 1
India Spotlight

Join us for a conversation that delves deep into two compelling and groundbreaking Indian stories. Part one begins with producer Apoorva Bakshi and director Selvamani Selvaraj.

Examining the Capture of India’s Most Dreaded Bandit

The critically acclaimed documentary limited series “The Hunt for Veerappan”, directed by Selvamani Selvaraj, puts a spotlight on the life of India's forest king Veerappan who was involved in many brutal crimes from the 90s until the early 2000s. 

Portraits of Sunil Sadarangani, Srishti Bakshi and Apoorva Bakshi
Episode 2 Part 2
India Spotlight

The conversation continues with producer Apoorva Bakshi and social impact pioneer Srishti Bakshi.

One Woman’s Journey for her Billion Indian Women

The feature documentary “WOMB: Women of My Billion” follows the experience of a young woman, Srishti, and her 3800km journey from Kanyakumari (South India) to Kashmir (North India) over 240 days. 

A collage of the four speakers of the third podcast episode
Episode 3
Against the Stream

Oppositional film is becoming more critical in resisting the pervasive influence of neoliberal values across the globe. Join filmmakers Jean Marie Teno, Pratibha Parmar, and curator Inney Prakash as they reflect on their oppositional film practices and the challenge to sustain them in an increasingly market-driven world.

A collage of portraits of the five people speaking in podcast episode 4.
Episode 4
DOCTalk: BIPOC Representation in Front of & Behind the Camera

How can BIPOC filmmakers uplift the stories of the communities from which they come? In this episode American Documentary’s Executive Director, Erika Dilday, sits down with Chloe Abrahams, the filmmaker behind POV’s „The Taste of Mango“, and Dawne Langford, Gabriel Francis Paz Goodenough and Erricka Bridgeford, of POV’s „The Body Politic“, to explore the nuances and importance of community storytelling. 

Collage of episode 5's four speakers and moderators
Episode 5
Shaping the Soundscape – The Role of Spatial Audio in XR, Film, Arts

How our ears perceive space can transform storytelling! Weronika Lewandowska and Oliver Kadel engage with experts Aili Niimura and Ana Monte to explore spatial audio’s role in visual narratives, XR, and dome experiences. They discuss inclusivity in sound design and share tips for crafting immersive soundscapes. Discover the creative processes behind this technology and its impact on storytelling.

Tune in to Season 5!

DOK Industry Podcast 2024 is realised in partnership with POC2 Programmers of Colour Collective and What’s Up With Docs Podcast, and supported by Docs-in-Orbit and film.macht.kritisch - The podcast about the *other* cinema.

Curators Season 5
DOK Leipzig Logo

Portrait of Toni Bell
Portrait of Toni Bell
Toni Acbebe Bell
What’s Up With Docs Podcast: Creator and Host


Toni Acbebe Bell is the creator/host of the What’s Up with Docs Podcast. She is the impact producer for the award-winning film “A Woman on the Outside”, an impact consultant for RePresent Justice, and an upcoming documentary-building initiative on centering survivors of trauma from a human rights framework. She was the Impact Strategist for Odyssey Impact and Looky Looky Pictures, Abigal Disney’s The American Dream, and Other Fairy Tales. She has been a speaker, panelist, reviewer, mentor, and juror at documentary film festivals, labs, and funds such as the California Humanities, Dok Leipzig, EFM, and others. She holds an MA in Visual Anthropology (USC), an MFA in Creative Writing (Naropa University), and a certificate in professional screenwriting (UCLA.) 


Themba Bhebhe
Curator, programmer, consultant


Themba is in charge of Diversity & Inclusion of the European Film Market (Berlinale) on a seasonal basis. This work includes inclusion-focused industry programming and co-managing the Doc&Fiction Toolbox Programmes as well as the EFM (Online) Market Badge Inclusion Initiative. Alongside Mitchell Harper and Tiny Mungwe, Themba is the co-founder of Engage, a series of curated think tank conversations on the pertinent, challenging and multi-faceted questions facing the African (diaspora) screen sector. Themba is also one of the founding members of the Programmers of Colour Collective (POC2).

Portrait of Erika Dilday smiling broadly
Portrait of Erika Dilday smiling broadly
Erika Dilday
American Documentary, POV: Executive Director and Producer


Erika Dilday, producer, journalist and media executive, is the Executive Director of American Documentary and the Executive Producer of its award-winning documentary series POV on PBS and America ReFramed on WORLD. Previously, she was the CEO of Futuro Media Group, a multimedia organisation that gives a critical voice to the diversity of the American experience through award-winning journalistic content for and about BIPOC.

She is a graduate of Harvard College, the Columbia School of Journalism and Columbia Business School. In 2020 she was a Knight Nieman fellow at Harvard University where she authored a piece for the Nieman Reports on authentic journalism in communities of color. Her latest film projects include “Civil War” with Rachel Boynton and Meanwhile with Catherine Gund.


Photo credit: IDA (International Documentary Association)
Portrait of Judy Kibinge
Portrait of Judy Kibinge
Judy Kibinge
Founder DOCUBOX, Director and Writer
DOCUBOX The East African Film Fund: Executive Director and Founder


Judy Kibinge began her career in advertising as Creative Director of a multinational agency leading Pan African campaigns for global brands such as Coca-Cola. She has written and directed several award winning fiction and documentary films.
In 2013, she founded DOCUBOX, Sub Saharan Africa’s first homegrown fund and hub for independent filmmakers. In 2021, she was named Most Influential Woman in Film at the Women in Film Awards (Kenya). She is a member of the Academy of Motion Picture and Sciences and sat on the Documentary Branch Committee from 2018-2024. She’s building an exciting new real estate venture, KEJA designed to unlock East African Creative Economy.

“Dangerous Affair”, 2002, Writer and Director 
“Something Necessary”, 2016, Director, and Story Adaptation 
“The Letter”, 2019, Executive Producer 


Mungai Kiroga's eyes framed by his hands against the light
Mungai Kiroga's eyes framed by his hands against the light
Mungai Kiroga
Film Producer
DOCUBOX The East African Documentary Film Fund: Internal Producer


Mungai Kiroga is a Kenyan screenwriter, director, and editor. To date, he has written scripts for several TV shows. These include three soaps,  three dramas and one comedy. In 2013, Mungai wrote a feature film titled “Something Necessary” (produced by German director Tom Tykver).

Mungai has also worked as a content director for several Kenyan & East-African Reality shows, including Tusker Project Fame and Bongo Star Search, Tanzania.

He is currently the internal producer at DOCUBOX and has overseen the production of 30+ titles. Mungai is also the co-producer of a documentary that premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival in June 2024.

He was also recently Production Manager for the Video Consortium, an NGO supporting documentary filmmakers worldwide. While at Video Consortium, he managed the production of 20 short documentaries filmed in multiple African countries.

“Something Necessary”, 2013, Scriptwriter
“Searching for Amani”, 2024, Producer


Photo Credit: Mungai Kiroga
Portrait Weronika Lewandowska
Portrait Weronika Lewandowska
Weronika M Lewandowska
XR Creator, Researcher, Lecturer
DOK Leipzig: DOK Exchange XR Coordinator


Co-director, writer and executive producer of VR “Nightsss” – a virtual erotic poem premiered at Sundance Film Festival and awarded for The Best Sound Design for VR & AR Reality at Cinequest in 2021. Coordinator of DOK Exchange XR (DOK Leipzig) since 2022. Expert of the Committee for Innovative Film Projects at the National Film Institute in Poland (2021). Spoken word poet, performer, digital storyteller, PhD in cultural studies, and independent curator of XR. Researcher and writer of XR climate change games for Guest XR – an international research project on an AI agent for harmony in social XR environments (at Warsaw University). She experiments with interdisciplinary forms of poetry. Her poems were published in Romania, Estonia, South Africa and Poland.

“Nightsss” – VR 6DoF, 2021, Co-director/Writer/Executive producer

“The Liberated Voice – Sound Poetry”, 2019, Palais de Tokyo in Paris
“The City of Dreams”, 2022, Bureau of Artistic Exhibitions in Krosno
“A polyphony of voices - Artist reflections”, 2017, PAO, ROM for kunst og arkitektur Oslo

Photo: Bart Urbański
Portrait of Peter Mudamba Mudamba
Portrait of Peter Mudamba Mudamba
P. Mudamba Mudamba
Arts Administrator
DOCUBOX East African Documentary Film Fund: General Manager


Mudamba is an Arts & Film Administrator who is currently Docubox’s General Manager, after serving as its Programs Director for 10 years, since its inception. He is a trained accountant who followed his passion for the arts and film. He is a former Treasurer of the Kenya Film & Television Professionals Association-KFTPA and is currently a member of the Creative Economy Working Group-CEWG and the East African Screen Collective-EASC. Both these bodies advocate for better policies, funding and distribution of creative products.

Credited as Executive Producer on several finished DOCUBOX documentary films like “The Letter”, “New Moon”, and “I am Samuel”, and also on short films such as “The Morning After”, “Coachez”, “If Objects Could Speak” et al., Mudamba appreciates the Impact of Film. He has also been called upon as a juror and selector at International Film Festivals.

He believes that sector collaborations and co-productions are urgent to spur our Film Industry and enable the sharing of our authentic stories with the world.

“The Letter”, 2019, Executive Producer
“New Moon”, 2018, Executive Producer
“I am Samuel”, 2020, Executive Producer
“The Morning After”, 2020, Executive Producer
“Coachez”, 2020, Executive Producer
“If Objects Could Speak”, 2021, Executive Producer

A portrait of Lucy Mukerjee with a honey-coloured dog
A portrait of Lucy Mukerjee with a honey-coloured dog
Lucy Mukerjee
Community Builder & Cultural Worker
Firelight Media: Documentary Lab Director


Lucy Mukerjee is a queer non-binary British-Indian community builder and cultural worker dedicated to elevating the careers of underestimated storytellers, with 20+ years of experience producing films, programming festivals, and curating artist development programs. In 2023, Lucy became the Director of the Documentary Lab fellowship at Firelight Media, the premier destination for non-fiction cinema by and about communities of colour, founded in 1998 by Stanley Nelson and Marcia Smith.

In 2019, Lucy co-founded the Programmers Of Colour Collective, a global grassroots group of BIPOC film festival programmers calling for programming inclusion on-screen, on-stage and on-staff, at film festivals. Lucy is a vocal advocate for ethics and accountability across the film industry ecosystem, and believes in the power of storytelling to expand perspectives and change cultural narratives.


Photo: Lucy Mukerjee
Portrait of Meena Nanji on a bridge in Venice
Portrait of Meena Nanji on a bridge in Venice
Meena Nanji
Filmmaker, Artist, Educator
Twende Pics


Meena Nanji is an award-winning filmmaker who has produced, written and directed independent documentaries, experimental videos and short narratives that have screened at international film festivals and broadcast on global television. Her projects have been funded by the Sundance Documentary Fund, World Cinema Fund, IDFA Bertha, Just Films, HotDocs Blue Ice and others. She's also programmed film/video festivals, including Outfest in Los Angeles, She is a co-founder of GlobalGirl Media and has taught film workshops in India, Uganda and the US. Her most recent feature documentary “Our Land, Our Freedom” concerns the legacy of British colonialism in Kenya and an ongoing struggle for land by dispossessed Kenyans. The film premiered at IDFA in November 2023.

Global Girl Media Website

Portrait of Shakira Refos in a big woollen sweater
Portrait of Shakira Refos in a big woollen sweater
Shakira Refos
Film Festival Education, Public and Strategic Programming, Anti-Racism Advocate
California Film Institute: Education Outreach Manager


Shakira is an educator from The Netherlands who joined the California Film Institute’s Education Department by way of the Sarasota Film Festival and Sundance Institute. With a deep passion for storytelling, Shakira attributes her drive for community, justice and common sense from the cultures of her Mother and Father hailing from Suriname and Trinidad respectively. Her career has been dedicated to empowering young independent thinkers through the exploration of art history and creative expression—prioritising equitable praxis through engagements with film as well as demystifying the path for BIPOC students to becoming film fest administrators and curators. You’ll often hear her shouting “WE NEED MORE BLACK PROGRAMMERS!!” from the rooftops of her current home and office in the Bay Area, CA to anyone who will listen… .

Portrait of Emily Rogers in a shiny yellow shirt
Portrait of Emily Rogers in a shiny yellow shirt
Emily Rogers
American Documentary: Associate Programmer, Digital Strategy & Filmmaker Services


Emily Rogers is an Associate Programmer, Digital Strategy & Filmmaker Services curating nonfiction films with bold craft that spotlight the changing contours of an ever-evolving America. She is also a filmmaker and photographer based in Brooklyn, NY.  


Portrait of Sunil Sadarangani
Portrait of Sunil Sadarangani
Sunil Sadarangani
Producer, Writer, Film Festival Programmer and Curator


Sunil Sadarangani is a Mumbai-born, Los Angeles-based award-winning producer and writer with 15+ years of experience in international film and TV production and is passionate about creating and promoting diverse and inclusive stories for global audiences.

He is the co-founder and former director of programming of the Ojai Short Film Festival and showcased Academy Award-nominated and winning films and episodic series. As a producer, Sunil develops, produces, and executive produces English, Hindi, and Spanish language content, award-winning feature and short films, such as “The Answer”, “How Much Do You Want to Know”, “In Transit”, “Blind”, and “Nova”.
 Sunil is also a contributing writer for New York Amsterdam News, Deadline Hollywood, and American Kahani, covering filmmakers and artists of colour at major film festivals and industry award events.

The California State Senate has recognised him for his ongoing commitment to creativity and innovation in the Los Angeles community.

Season 4

The fourth season of the DOK Industry Podcast was realised in partnership with What’s Up With Docs Podcast and POC2 Programmers of Colour Collective, and supported by Docs-in-Orbit and MUBI. The six episodes were released at DOK Industry in 2023. You can catch all episodes on Apple PodcastPodigee or Spotify.

The Ghost of Time: A Conversation about Making Films about Museums

Curator & Moderator: Aisha Jamal
Guests: Sameer Farooq, Marley McDonald
Length: 46'

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On an Adventure to Cross the Mountain

Moderator: Karen Cheung
Guests: Tze Woon CHAN, Kanas LIU, Anson Hoi-Shan MAK
Length: 53'

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What’s Up with Docs feat. Jennifer Crystal Chien – Keep on Keeping on

Curator & Moderator: Toni Bell
Curator: Brianna Jovahn
Guest: Jennifer Crystal Chien
Length: 82'

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Animated Docs: True, False & Floating!

Moderator: Maria-Christina Villaseñor
Guests: Carlos Hagerman, Camrus Johnson, Pedro Piccinini, Jorge Villalobos de la Torre
Length: 77'

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Creativity Through the Lens of AI

Moderator: Weronika M Lewandowska 
Guest: Mads Damsbo
Length: 46'

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Burning Bridges, Building Constellations

Moderator: Rama Thiaw
Guest: Niels Pagh Andersen, Naziha Arebi
Length: 46'

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Season 3

Our third podcast season was produced in 2022, in partnership with Kinopravda Institute, POC2 Programmers of Colour Collective and What’s Up With Docs Podcast. The four episodes were released at DOK Industry in October 2022. You can catch all episodes on Podigee or Spotify.

Missionwashing Docs

Curator & Moderator: Bedatri Datta Choudhury
Guests: Shakira Refos, Hansen Bursic
Length: 50'

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The Culture of Film Curating

Curator & Moderator: Greg de Cuir
Guests: Alia Ayman, Matthew Barrington
Length: 73'

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Igniting Strategies: Changing the Face(s) of Film Festival Programming

Curator & Moderator: Irene Soriano
Guests: Lucy Jane Mukerjee, Faridah Gbadamosi
Length: 54'

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Jihan & Toni Talk Archives Part 2

Curator: Ranell Shubert 
Curator & Moderator: Toni Bell
Guest: Jihan El-Tahri
Length: 63'

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Season 2

Our second podcast season was produced in 2021, in partnership with POC2 Programmers of Colour Collective and What’s Up With Docs Podcast. The six episodes were released at DOK Industry in October 2021. You can catch all episodes on Podigee or Spotify.

Looking from the South

Moderator: Claire Diao
Guests: Jihan El-Tahri, Jean-Marie Téno and Femi Odugbemi 
Length: 60’

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Wellness & Whiteness Gone Wild or “If Everything is Possible Nothing is True”

Moderator: Shakira Refos
Guests: Cate Stuart and Jawara Gordon
Length: 77’

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The Poetry of the Little Things: Towards a Caribbean Avant-garde Cinema

Moderator: Jonathan Ali
Guests: Miryam Charles and Amir Aether Valen Ali
Length: 62’

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Preserving History During Times of Conflict 

Moderator: Toni Bell
Guests: Mariam Ghani
Length: 71'

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Brown Lives to the Fore – Lack of Representation of Brown LGBTQ+ Stories

Moderator: Sridhar Rangayan
Guests: Sonal Giani, Kalki Subramaniam and Arshad Wasi Khan
Length: 56'

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Jihan & Toni Talk Archives

Moderator: Toni Bell
Guests: Jihan El-Tahri
Length: 64'

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Season 1

With DOK Industry taking place completely online in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we launched the first season of our podcast series. Nine episodes were curated by and realised in partnership with POC2 Programmers of Colour Collective and What’s Up With Docs Podcast. You can read more about all episode and download them via the links below.

Afro-Indigenous: Allyship & Solidarity Onscreen

Host: Amalia Córdova 
Guests: David Hernández Palmar, Loreto Bustos Hernando, Fanny Huc
Curated by: Themba Bhebhe
Length: 93’

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Female Gazes: Euzhan Palcy x Alice Diop

Host: Claire Diao
Guests: Euzhan Palcy, Alice Diop
Curated by: Themba Bhebhe
Length: 68’

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Who is Missing From the Coming-of-Age Narrative

Host: Shakira Refos
Guests: Celeste Truffaut Wong, Nathan Murthy
Curated by: Lucy Mukerjee 
Length: 77’

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Africa is a Continent Goddammit

Host: Chioma Onyenwe
Guest: Theresa Hill
Curated by: Lucy Mukerjee
Length: 67’

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Stepping into New Streams

Host: Abby Sun
Guests: Mahen Bonetti, Rosine Mbakam
Curated by: Lucy Mukerjee
Length: 62’

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Little Things Say So Much – Making a Short in COVID Times

Guests: Lindsay Poulton, Sara Khaki and Mohammad Reza Eyni
Curated by: Ulrike Schmidt
Length: 49’

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What’s Up With Docs Podcast feat. Geeta Gandbhir and Jessica Devaney – “Fight the Power”

Host: Toni Bell
Guests: Jessica Devaney, Geeta Gandbhir
Curated by: Toni Bell, Ranell Shubert
Length: 91’

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What’s Up With Docs Podcast feat. Quentin VerCetty – “Dela Move”

Host: Toni Bell
Guests: Quentin VerCetty
Curated by: Toni Bell, Ranell Shubert 
Length: 94’

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Mapping the Infinite Heart of Documentary with BIPOC Storytellers

Host: Martine Joelle McDonald
Guests: Jheanelle Brown, Maria-Christina Villasénor
Curated by: Lucy Mukerjee
Length: 77’

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DOK Industry is realised with the support of Creative Europe MEDIA Programme of the European Union, the Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung (MDM) and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media upon a Decision of the German Bundestag.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the MEDIA sub-programme of Creative Europe. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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