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Trailer 2024

Isabel Herguera offers a unique insight into her practice as a director and co-creator. Guided by her, we will look between the transparent layers of her films, ascend steep spiral staircases that lead to her characters’ inner lives and explore the emotional topography of her filmic landscapes.
Press Conference 2024 (in German)

Turn your screens off and enjoy our portable discussion, now available on almost all major podcast platforms. We joyfully present the fifth season of our DOK Industry Podcasts in 2024.
As in our previous seasons, we will continue exploring burning issues in the film industry with a special focus on power structures and lack of representation as well as offering pathways into films, criticism and works of creators and writers from marginalized groups.
Seven new episodes will be released in the run-up to the festival in autumn, all created and produced in collaboration with the Programmers of Colour Collective (POC2) and What's Up With Docs Podcast. DOK Industry Podcast is supported by Docs-in-Orbit and film.macht.kritisch. – The podcast about the *other* cinema.
Tune in – the first episodes of season 5 are now available on (almost) all major podcast platforms!