DOK Archive Market
Huntley Film Archives
UK-based Huntley Film Archives has been providing film clips to archive producers for 40 years. The films in the very large collection date from the 1890’s to the 1980’s.
The library holds documentary films covering many subjects and locations – industry, places, farming, travel, amateur, media, history, food, art, dance, people, ads, transport, sport, social history, science, fashion, medicine, plus early animation and pioneer cinema. A further collection that has barely been offered is our behind-the-scenes material of 9500 films on the making of U.K. produced features including interviews with cast and crew and dating from the 1990’s and 2000’s.
Clients may ask us to compile research for them, but the website has a search facility too. Users find their films and clip extracts precisely to the second to include in the offline, and when ready to proceed to final cut use our e-commerce option. If preferred, we can create the order for the client


amanda [at] huntleyarchives [dot] com (amanda[at]huntleyarchives[dot]com)
+44 (0)7399 655888

robert [at] huntleyarchives [dot] com (robert[at]huntleyarchives[dot]com)