DOK Archive Market
rbb media
rbb media is entitled to exclusively exploit the archive holdings of the German public broadcaster Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb), successor to SFB (Radio Free Berlin), as well as the former GDR (East German) television programmes and the archive holdings of DRA (Deutsches Rundfunk Archiv). We specialise in history and current affairs with a focus on the City of Berlin, the Brandenburg region and the former GDR. However, we can also provide footage on nature & architecture, arts & culture or everyday life. We are happy to assist you with finding material in our archives for your documentaries, soundtracks, and all of your creative ideas. You can find a showcase insight into our archive holdings on our YouTube channel "footage berlin".

dra-lizenzen [at] rbb-media [dot] de (dra-lizenzen[at]rbb-media[dot]de)
+49 (0)174 3799436

rbb-lizenzen [at] rbb-media [dot] de (rbb-lizenzen[at]rbb-media[dot]de)
+49 (0)151 140108693