DOK Industry Podcast 2020
What’s Up With Docs Podcast feat. Quentin VerCetty – “Dela Move”
In this episode Toni Bell speaks with award-winning, multidisciplinary, visual griot, artpreneur, art educator, artivist and ever-growing interstellar tree Quentin VerCetty. He is one of the founding members of the Black Speculative Arts Movement, founded in Toronto in 2016 and co-editor of the first Canadian Afrofuturism book entitled "Cosmic Underground Northside: An Incantation of Black Canadian Speculative Discourse and Innerstandings“.
The term Afrofuturism adresses themes and concerns of the African diaspora through techno-culture and science fiction, envisioning Black futures that come from Afro diasporic experiences.
In this conversation Quentin explains his understanding and vision of Afrofuturism, which includes to look into our past, to conquer the challenges of the present, so we can create an egalitarian future.
Language: English
Duration: 94 min
Curated by