Focus on Animation

Focus on Animation


On Thursday and Friday discover plenty events dedicated to the art and industry of animated films. Follow an Industry Talk with the Animation Lab tutor Jean-François Le Corre sharing insights in the production process of the documentary “Suzanne” (Anaïs Caura, Joëlle Oosterlinck, FR/CZ/BE/DK, in production) combining animation and archive footage, a DOK Talk with animation filmmakers presenting films in the festival programme about their ways of working with archive materials. Get inspired by the masterclass with Isabel Herguera, network and mingle with colleagues from both the animation and documentary sectors at Animation Meets Doc and dive into current trends towards medium length formats in animation production at the panel organised together with the German Animation Association. Top off the animation activities chatting with friends, colleagues and new acquaintances at the Get Together kindly hosted by partners from the animation scene and celebrate at the Animation Night – Spinning Dreams and Beats.

Get amazed by this year’s animation competition contenders, be inspired by the Isabel Herguera homage programme and Animation Perspectives with Gudrun Krebitz and Moïa Jobin-Paré.


DOK Talk: animation@DOK Leipzig – Spotting, Sampling, Reconnecting

People collect moving images. We capture certain events and store them in places of preservation. Treasures lie dormant in these archives, waiting to be discovered and transformed. What exciting possibilities does archive material offer as source material or component of animation films?

A person is kneeling in front of a table to talk to those sitting at it.
DOK Industry Connections: Animation Meets Doc

DOK Leipzig celebrates documentaries and animated films as well as innovative works combining both. We invite all professionals working in animation to mix with documentary filmmakers keen on exploring the creative potential that animation techniques can set free.

DOK Industry is realised with the support of Creative Europe MEDIA Programme of the European Union, the Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung (MDM) and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media upon a Decision of the German Bundestag.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the MEDIA sub-programme of Creative Europe. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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