Film Archive


Land (Film Archive)

Filmstill When Adam Changes

When Adam Changes

Adam change lentement
Joël Vaudreuil
International Competition Animated Film 2023
Animated Film
94 minutes

Adam is 15, bullied by his schoolmates and ignored by the girl of his dreams. His grandmother, who has teased him all his life with nasty remarks about his appearance, uses her dying breath to bring home to him once more his supposed physical shortcomings. Even the prospect of the upcoming summer holidays hardly raises Adam’s spirits, because his father has organised several unpleasant holiday jobs for him to build his character. On top of everything else, the teasing and negative comments manifest in Adam in strange deformations of his body which provoke additional stress and ridicule.

Adam is different. He stays outside while the people around him go about their usual – their “normal” – activities. He watches his sister being cheated on by her boyfriend, must bear a neighbour’s fanatical lawn care accuracy and discovers that a resident of his street throws bags of dog faeces up into the branches of the alley trees. The more the daily madness around him becomes evident, the more Adam emerges as an empathetic and mature young adult. Contrary to all claims he, whom the others regard as a strange eccentric, is in control of his life.

Franka Sachse

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Joël Vaudreuil
Joël Vaudreuil
Joël Vaudreuil
David Pierrat, Olivier Picard
Olivier Calvert
Sound Design
Olivier Calvert
Joël Vaudreuil
Nicolas Moussette, Hrsito Karastoyanov
Filmstill Where I Live
Filmstill Where I Live
Filmstill Where I Live

Where I Live

Wo ich wohne
Susi Jirkuff
International Competition Animated Film 2023
Animated Film
11 minutes

“I don’t want to say it out loud, but my flat’s lower down,” the narrator remarks. The camera at first follows her legs climbing up the stairs of the hallway. That is all we see of her. Very soon, her gaze determines our perspective in this unsettling story. At first it all sounds like a mistake, but at some point, the tenant gets used to the fact that in some inexplicable way and completely unceremoniously she is pulled down from the fourth floor to the coal cellar, floor by floor. A decline that the neighbourhood lets happen in deafening silence.

The “falling” protagonist’s irritated soliloquy, sometimes resigned, often full of calculated optimism, is accompanied by charcoal drawings. Their clarity and architectural detail – down to the curlicued decorations of the upper-class mansion – gradually fade over the course of events. The spatial representation becomes more and more vague and is reduced to a few strokes, only to dissolve into soft areas of charcoal dust in the end. In this nightmarish story, reality no longer offers any support, only one’s own ego. Susi Jirkuff has adapted Ilse Aichinger’s eponymous, multilayered story, which was first published in the mid-1950s, with a remarkable urgency that demonstrates the topicality of Aichinger’s text and writing.

André Eckardt

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Susi Jirkuff
Susi Jirkuff
Diego Mosca
Susi Jirkuff
Sound Design
Michael Schreiber
Susi Jirkuff
World Sales
Gerald Weber
Nominated for: mephisto 97.6 Audience Award