Film Archive


Homage Annik Leroy 2020
Media Name: 900f0ffd-c921-4a19-99f5-d00b0f1d97c9.jpg
Cell 719
Annik Leroy
A 15-minute audiovisual composition based on a text written in prison by Ulrike Meinhof: “Letter from a prisoner in the isolation wing” (1972/73).
Media Name: 900f0ffd-c921-4a19-99f5-d00b0f1d97c9.jpg

Cell 719

Cellule 719
Annik Leroy
Homage Annik Leroy 2020
Documentary Film
15 minutes

It could be called a portrait or a composition with text and sound. Ulrike Meinhof’s “Letter from a prisoner in the isolation wing”, written in prison in 1972/73, a document of detention in thought cascades, lends structure and weight to fifteen minutes of film. The apparently black background is dimly animated at intervals, hinting at a nocturnal outside or an area near water. This attempt to communicate the sensory deprivation resulting from isolation attempts what’s actually impossible, pushing towards abstraction, harsh, brutal, dry. Any narrative “grease” is discarded. There is no space at all, hence not for a narrative, either.

Ralph Eue

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Annik Leroy
Julie Morel
Annik Leroy
Marie Vermeiren
International Competition 2020
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Considering the Ends
Elsa Maury
Shepherdess Nathalie learns what it means to kill with one’s own hands. Her process of development turns out to be a holistic learning experience: about responsibility, care and knives.
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Considering the Ends

Nous la mangerons, c’est la moindre des choses
Elsa Maury
International Competition 2020
Documentary Film
67 minutes
English, German Subtitles for deaf and hard-of-hearing

The vultures are circling over the Cevennes, the south-eastern part of the French Massif Central. They are part of the holistic cycle of becoming and passing away which shepherdess Nathalie seeks to come closer to. Because the vultures are gnawing at the remains of her beloved animals. She considers herself responsible not only for their lives, but also for their death. Elsa Maury’s film is an unequivocal testimony to what it means to wield the fatal knife oneself.

The sounds made by a ewe when a lamb is born seem almost human. And when a little later the newborn turns out to be unwilling to live it seems as if one could detect pain in the mother’s eyes. The shepherdess Nathalie’s empathic look at her flock was transferred directly to the viewer. Each animal here has its own name, each has a biography that Nathalie knows by heart. And it’s ultimately up to her to finally decide when the end of a sheep is near. In diary-like sequences we learn about her feelings, take part in a difficult process of development which results in new self-confidence, perhaps even new wisdom. Elsa Maury shows a perennial school of killing and death. She leaves the events uncommented, but achieves an intensity through images and editing that stays with us for a long time.
Carolin Weidner

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Elsa Maury
Christian Tessier, Martin Flament, Elsa Maury
Geoffroy Cernaix, Pauline Piris-Nury
Cyril Bibas
Luc Reder, Olivier Burlet, Javier Packer-Comyn
Marc Siffert, Loïc Villiot, Galaad Germa, Willy Boutet, Elsa Maury
World Sales
Philippe Cotte
Nathalie Savalois
Nominated for: Prize of the Interreligious Jury, FIPRESCI Prize
Filmstill Cyclepaths


Anton Cla
International Competition Animated Film 2023
Animated Film
12 minutes
without dialogue

On the outskirts of the city, the new modern buildings are silent and the motorway bridge drones. Birds are circling in the sky, a young man, concealed by his hoodie, is riding his e-scooter along a park path. The only irritating element is the rifle over his shoulder.

Anton Cla’s film depicts a mood of high alert, while the disaster has in fact already happened. Unexplainable scenes that could not be more disconcerting and grow increasingly drastic unfold calmly. The screaming silence is decisively enhanced by the imperceptibly accumulating mixed drone of the daily sounds of a mechanised world: motorway, tramway, clicking indicators, pulsating emergency signals. What the soundscape adamantly refuses to deliver is a loud discharge that would release the tension. The suburban landscape is steeped in a red theatrical warning light, blurs restrict the view. The 3D computer design masks neither the artificiality nor the computer-based deformations of the images of a normality that has become a combat zone – the machine matrix seems to rule already.

André Eckardt

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Anton Cla
Anton Cla
Milan Van Doren
Anton Cla
Nominated for: mephisto 97.6 Audience Award