Film Archive

Land (Film Archive)

Doc Alliance Award 2023
Filmstill 07:15 – Blackbird
07:15 – Blackbird
Judith Auffray
In a cabin in the forest, Jean and Mana listen to various animal species and catalogue voice recordings. When they hear unfamiliar sounds, their curiosity to uncover a secret is aroused.
Filmstill 07:15 – Blackbird

07:15 – Blackbird

7h15 – merle noir
Judith Auffray
Doc Alliance Award 2023
Documentary Film
30 minutes

The setting and cast of characters seem like the prelude to an unusual fairy-tale. An elderly man, a hermit living in a remote cabin, is visited by a young woman, almost a girl, who can understand and imitate the language of birds. Deep in the forest, Jean and Mana record and catalogue the calls of the different species day by day, night by night. But then they hear the voice of an unknown animal and set out to find it.

The focus is on birdcalls and their classification. But instead of making the meticulous analysis of sound events look like a quirky hobby, the film inspires us to listen closely. The two scientists’ unperturbed curiosity is catching, and as we watch, we are gradually infected not just with their enthusiasm for their object of research but also with their childlike desire to discover a secret.

Lina Dinkla

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Judith Auffray
Judith Auffray
Mario Valero, Raimon Gaffier
Judith Auffray
François Bonenfant, Luc-Jérôme Bailleul
Gaël Teicher
Stéphane Debien, Kilian Fanget
Joséphine Auffray, Victor Auffray
Filmstill 1976: Search for Life

1976: Search for Life

1976: Search for Life
Tess Martin
International Competition Animated Film 2023
Animated Film
11 minutes
German Subtitles for deaf and hard-of-hearing

A new father takes his wife and daughter on a journey to his mother’s birthplace in Scotland. It is 1976 – the year in which NASA’s Viking 1 and 2 space probes land on the surface of Mars. They send images of an only vaguely explored area from a great distance, enabling a first look into the history of an alien planet. Like the NASA scientists, the small family are hoping that their journey will give them insights into the past, an understanding of the present situation and perhaps even the chance to anticipate the future.

Texts from the father’s travel diary, photos and video recordings are interwoven with visual and sound material from the NASA archives to form a multilayered narrative that navigates several decades of family history, cosmological questions and philosophical reflections. A filmic multiverse unfolds before us whose elementary particles oscillate between times and worlds, between reality and fiction.

Franka Sachse

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Tess Martin
Matija Pekić
Nominated for: mephisto 97.6 Audience Award
Animation Night 2023
Filmstill 1976: Search for Life – Installation
1976: Search for Life – Installation
Tess Martin
The documentary video for the installation version of the short film “1976: Search for Life” takes us to Mars. There, a small television set shows a very personal story.
Filmstill 1976: Search for Life – Installation

1976: Search for Life – Installation

1976: Search for Life – Installation
Tess Martin
Animation Night 2023
Documentary Film
11 minutes

The documentary video for the installation version of the short film “1976: Search for Life” takes us to Mars. There – between huge boulders and in the red light of our sibling planet – we find a small television set. With headphones and in an intimate atmosphere, Tess Martin shares a very personal memory of an important historical event with us.

Franka Sachse

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Tess Martin
Filmstill 27


Flóra Anna Buda
International Competition Animated Film 2023
Animated Film
11 minutes

It is Alice’s 27th birthday today. She lives in her old room in her parents’ apartment. Her mother coddles her like a little child. Her kid brother gets on her nerves. The only space for self-realisation and living out her sexual desires is in her imagination, if at all. For economic reasons, she and many other young people are denied the chance to live an independent life in their own four walls. So Alice has to endure the confinement.

On the night of her birthday, she goes pub-crawling with a buddy and dances, free at last for a few moments, at a party on the roof of a high-rise. Looking at the nocturnal city and sobering up after all the exuberance, though, her dilemma re-surfaces again: Where is her private space where body and soul can unfold unobserved? Haunting, colourful, with a fantastic soundtrack and full of eroticism, the film describes the depressing situation of a whole generation.

Franka Sachse

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Flóra Anna Buda
Flóra Anna Buda
Albane du Plessix
Emmanuel-Alain Raynal, Pierre Baussaron, Gábor Osváth, Péter Benjámin Lukács
Péter Benjámin Lukács
Mári Mákó, Rozi Mákó
Zoltán Koska, Gábor Mariai, Luca Tóth, Borbála Zétényi, Flóra Anna Buda
World Sales
Annabel Sebag
Artistic Design
Natália Andrade, Melinda Kádár
Nominated for: mephisto 97.6 Audience Award
Filmstill 30 Kilometres per Second
Filmstill 30 Kilometres per Second

30 Kilometres per Second

30 kilometriä sekunnissa
Jani Peltonen
International Competition Documentary Film 2023
Documentary Film
23 minutes

The narrator of the film was diagnosed with proprioception disorder by her physiotherapist: She lacks a normal awareness of her body in space and thus a reference to the world around her. Dancing as a therapy might help. Instead, she takes a ghost train into Finland’s television history, to the 1960s, when ordinances forbade spontaneous dancing because of a Medieval decree.

Young people were robbed of their body awareness, Finland, with its peculiar position between the blocks of the Cold War, stood untethered in the political geography of the time. Connections were made through television, Swiss campaigns for the independence of the West African province of Biafra, the weightless moon landing, U.S. American stars from soap operas and TV western shows. Travelling without moving. Do ghosts have proprioception? Wouldn’t they float out of this world otherwise? Or are they kept tethered to the ground by film and television recordings?

Jan Künemund

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Jani Peltonen
Jani Peltonen
Jani Peltonen
Anni Tiainen, Julia Matinniemi
Joona Mielonen
Sound Design
Saku Anttila
Emil Sana
Emmi Parviainen
Winner of: Silver Dove Short Film (International Competition Documentary Film)
Retrospective 2023
Filmstill 17 June in Saarland
17 June in Saarland
Sven Trittelvitz
When exactly did the GDR uprising happen? And the building of the Wall? A television report about a “holiday” in the Saarland whose cause hardly anyone remembers.
Filmstill 17 June in Saarland

17 June in Saarland

Der 17. Juni im Saarland
Sven Trittelvitz
Retrospective 2023
Documentary Film
9 minutes

One of many commemoration ceremonies, eleven years after the GDR uprising. The report combines a Saarland politician’s thoughtful speech with idyllic shots of a high-spirited population: at open air swimming pools, playing cards or on camping sites. “Do you know what we commemorate today?” the reporter asks. The answers are deeply irritating.

Katharina Franck, Andreas Kötzing

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Sven Trittelvitz
Saarländischer Rundfunk