Film Archive

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Retrospective 2022
Filmstill Vivos Voco – I Call the Living
Vivos Voco – I Call the Living
Dagnija Osite-Krüger
Bells have long defined humanity’s rhythm. Their ringing still touches us to the marrow. Dagnija Osite-Krüger’s exploration is monumental, even eery in nature.
Filmstill Vivos Voco – I Call the Living

Vivos Voco – I Call the Living

Vivos voco – Ich rufe die Lebenden
Dagnija Osite-Krüger
Retrospective 2022
Documentary Film
22 minutes

“Bells ring for victim and perpetrator alike, they ring for the master and the servant, the sounds falling into each other, beginning and end, life and death, sleep and awakening, work and prayer.” Helga Schütz’s lyrical verses are closely interwoven with Dagnija Osite-Krüger’s exploration of bells and their many shapes. Whether melted down as tools of war or warning of danger – “Vivos Voco”, which also teaches us about the craft of bell founding, envelops us in an eery, monumental and epochal way. In her auto-fictional biography, Schütz writes about the collaboration with Osite-Krüger: “The two of us and the film, we were a team, we and the co-determinant images.”

Carolin Weidner

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Dagnija Osite-Krüger
Helga Schütz
DEFA-Studio für Dokumentarfilme
Elmar Blimke
Peter Gotthardt