Film Archive


Land (Film Archive)

German Competition Documentary Film 2023
Filmstill Showhouse
Anna Lauenstein, Max Hilsamer
“The world in one garden” – with this claim of omnipotence, the construction of the Botanical Garden in Dahlem began. The deeper one enters, the clearer the traces of imperialist thinking emerge.
Filmstill Showhouse


Anna Lauenstein, Max Hilsamer
German Competition Documentary Film 2023
Documentary Film
30 minutes

From a distance, the glass greenhouse looks like a spaceship which could have landed decades or only minutes ago. In any case, the Botanical Garden in Berlin seems to belong to another era. A group of young people are exploring, feeling plants, trees, and the building according to their very own criteria. Are they aliens? Are they imitating the expeditions of German explorers from the colonial period?

The commentary muses on the history of the place: at the end of the 19th century, work began on the construction of the new greenhouses of the Botanical Garden in Dahlem to bring the world to one garden. This idea formulated a claim of omnipotence, too. In the rambling park, the camera comes across the naturalistic statue of a semi-nude man sowing seeds. It was created by the sculptor Hermann Joachim Pagels, who was very successful under the Nazis. The deeper the film penetrates the thickets of this garden, the more traces of imperial and colonialist thinking come to light. But the Botanical Garden is also a utopian place. What if this greenhouse-spaceship were to take off to distant spheres again? Could the plants guarantee the survival of our species on other planets? But perhaps they have a different plan, a life of their own?

Anke Leweke

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Anna Lauenstein, Max Hilsamer
Max Hilsamer
Max Hilsamer, Anna Lauenstein
Adrian Gutzelnig
Sebastian Eppner
Martina Weber
Nominated for: Gedanken Aufschluss Prize
German Competition Documentary Film 2023
Filmstill Sick Girls
Sick Girls
Gitti Grüter
Is ADHS the fashionable diagnosis of a society geared towards efficiency and Ritalin the perfect doping agent? A personal journey to the heart of chaos and back – from a deliberately female perspective.
Filmstill Sick Girls

Sick Girls

Sick Girls
Gitti Grüter
German Competition Documentary Film 2023
Documentary Film
79 minutes
Swiss German

In recent years, the number of diagnoses of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder has skyrocketed. What are the reasons? Does a society geared towards efficiency use the label ADHS to weed out anyone who does not fit its frames? What are the consequences of the fact that medication treatment has become almost ubiquitous? Could Ritalin and the like have become the doping of the performance society?

In their very personal documentary, Gitti Grüter, diagnosed with ADHS since puberty, sets out to find answers. Grüter talks to five women who have been officially diagnosed with this disorder about lack of concentration, impulsive behaviour, overstimulation, relationship problems, depression and insomnia. The open conversations gradually reveal how hard life can be for women with ADHS, because social stereotypes of femininity often prevent or delay the right diagnosis. Through the calculated use of filmic means, Grüter manages to convey to the audience a sense of the permanent and overpowering inner and outer chaos. Skilfully and with a generous dose of irony, they focus on how people suffering from ADHS are stigmatised – and not least on the role of gender stereotypes in this process. The conclusion is surprising and encouraging.

Luc-Carolin Ziemann

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Gitti Grüter
Gitti Grüter
Lenn Lamster
Dan Gatzmaga
Christoph Holthof, Daniel Reich, Norman Bernien
Sara Günter, ZDF Das kleine Fernsehspiel, Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF
Simon Ferber
Sound Design
Larissa Kischk, Eva Perhácová, Simon Schüler
Valeriia Khazan, Felix Römer
German Distributor
Luna Selle
Nominated for: Goethe-Institut Documentary Film Prize, Gedanken Aufschluss Prize, DEFA Sponsoring Prize, VER.DI Prize for Solidarity, Humanity and Fairness