Film Archive

International Competition 2020
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The Annotated Field Guide of Ulysses S. Grant
Jim Finn
The American Civil War dissected: a distinctive 16mm film and animated war board games reveal a divided nation full of rebels.
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The Annotated Field Guide of Ulysses S. Grant

The Annotated Field Guide of Ulysses S. Grant
Jim Finn
International Competition 2020
Documentary Film
61 minutes

Numerous films deal with the American Civil War, which raged between the northern Union States and the southern Confederate States from 1861 to 1865. One general who rose to become a war icon and the 18th president of the United States was Ulysses S. Grant. Director Jim Finn uses board games to reconstruct the battles and documents a divided nation full of rebellious factions.

“Bloody Pond” or “The Flaming Forest” are the names given to places below the Mason-Dixon Line where many cruel and confusing clashes took place within a few years. Today only cemeteries, memorial plaques, wax museums and obelisks bear witness to episodes of the war that was to be of such vital importance for the shape of the USA today. Jim Finn’s 16mm shots are a detailed inspection of various stations to which he adds macabre anecdotes and trenchant descriptions. Statesmen, ideologists and warlords haunt the forests, ruins and riverbanks here – like the incidences of light which make the footage light up time and again. There is beauty in these images, in the trickling synthesizer melodies, too, or in the stop motion animations of complicated board games. This beauty has little in common with the dark underpinning of this conflict: deep-seated racism and an adamant belief in the right to own slaves.
Carolin Weidner

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Jim Finn
Jim Finn
Jim Finn
Dean De Matteis, Jim Finn
Cat Mazza
Alexander Panos, Jesse Stiles
Colleen Burke
Jim Finn
Nominated for: Prize of the Interreligious Jury, FIPRESCI Prize
International Competition 2020
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Truth or Consequences
Hannah Jayanti
A privately operated spaceport in the desert of New Mexico inspires dreams of tourism to new worlds. In the nearby small town, life plans are more modest.
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Truth or Consequences

Truth or Consequences
Hannah Jayanti
International Competition 2020
Documentary Film
103 minutes

Forty kilometres outside the small town of Truth or Consequences in New Mexico, in the middle of the desert, lies “Spaceport America”, the first private space mission launch centre. People there have been dreaming of tourism in space for the past decade. Hannah Jayanti observes the people of the town who live in the shadow of such great ideas. She tells of tiger bites and scrap collectors, of sparkling stones, of trailer life and how painfully the past still affects the present.

What starts out as a tale about humanity’s great plans gradually turns into one of the dreams and stumbling blocks of human beings. Step by step, the film approaches its characters and unfurls into a reflection of what remains of a life. In addition to documentary and historical footage, the director also uses virtual reality techniques. When the camera travels through 3D simulations of empty streets and houses you feel that something long gone is made tangible again – like an expedition to a ghost town, at a time when the population will have long since left the planet in spaceships. But the created images remain patchy, the objects are captured only in spots, almost as if this was a map of the stars.
Marie Kloos

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Hannah Jayanti
Hannah Jayanti
Hannah Jayanti
Sara Archambault
Hannah Jayanti, Scott Hirsch
Bill Frisell
Alexander Porter, Alexander Porter
Nominated for: Prize of the Interreligious Jury, FIPRESCI Prize