Film Archive


Sections (Film Archive)

Land (Film Archive)

Extended Reality: DOK Neuland 2020
Media Name: 70406de6-cca6-462e-a3c8-bca13b5c0871.png
The Smallest of Worlds – A Social Landscape of Collected Privacy
Uwe Brunner, Bettina Katja Lange, Joan Soler-Adillon
Walk-in archive, time capsule and storage for the collective memory of a state of emergency: globally collected snapshots of self-isolation and quarantine.
Media Name: 70406de6-cca6-462e-a3c8-bca13b5c0871.png

The Smallest of Worlds – A Social Landscape of Collected Privacy

The Smallest of Worlds – A Social Landscape of Collected Privacy
Uwe Brunner, Bettina Katja Lange, Joan Soler-Adillon
Extended Reality 2020
10 minutes

Covid-19 has made quarantine and self-isolation the everyday experience for many. This project, developed at the CPH:LAB, invites people to scan their most personal places and moments. The resulting VR experience is a walk-in archive and time capsule, the collective memory of a state of emergency which also preserves forgotten virtues like deceleration and the spirit of discovery.

Lars Rummel

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Uwe Brunner, Bettina Katja Lange, Joan Soler-Adillon