Film Archive


Media Name: 8986de6e-bbee-46eb-ab90-f497cb630a44.jpg

Their Algeria

Leur Algérie
Lina Soualem
International Competition 2020
Documentary Film
70 minutes

After 62 years of marriage Aïcha Soualem is on her own again. Mabrouk, whom she has left, is nevertheless supplied by her daily with food and sugar cubes. Director Lina Soualem is interested in the relationship between her grandparents, who, as the last remaining Algerians in Thiers, France, look back on an eventful past. An empathic investigation all the way back to their native village of Laaouamer which leaves room for ambiguous emotions.

“Soualem” is the password which not only enables Lina Soualem to unlock the tiny, snow-covered village full of cousins in Algeria, which her grandparents left a long time ago. In a sense, “Soualem” is also the title of this gentle investigation of a granddaughter. And Laaouamer, that little place in Algeria, is only the final destination of a long journey which may be narrated via geographical coordinates but interweaves them closely with biographical and emotional ones. Aïcha and Mabrouk rarely talk about themselves. Instead, self-affixed wall badges speak: “The world’s best mom lives here” or “Welcome to the world’s best grandma’s”. To learn more about the couple, whose lives were shaped by French colonialism, Lina Soualem uses private photos and videos. Her investigation is full of love: persistent, but never prying.
Carolin Weidner

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Lina Soualem
Gladys Joujou
Marie Balducchi
Karima Chouikh, Palmyre Badinier
Julie Tribout, Rémi Durel
World Sales
Anna Berthollet
Nominated for: Prize of the Interreligious Jury, FIPRESCI Prize
Filmstill Tropic Fever

Tropic Fever

Tropic Fever
Mahardika Yudha, Robin Hartanto Honggare, Perdana Roswaldy
International Competition 2022
Documentary Film
59 minutes

The semi-autobiographical account of a European plantation manager on Sumatra during Dutch colonial rule becomes a starting point for reflections on the structure of the plantation itself. An essay about local tobacco and rubber cultivation, the construction of skin colour as a social category and the "tropic fever” which rises slowly but inexorably, edited from archive material dating from 1890 to 1930.

Very few films have made use of the extensive material shot by the colonists in the Dutch East Indies, now Indonesia. Those who took up the task, like “Mother Dao” or recently “They Call Me Babu”, did so from a Dutch perspective. “Tropic Fever” is the first feature-length film from Indonesia that appropriates that stock, using photos, documentary silent film footage, home movies and feature films as well as development plans from the archives of the former colonial power, along with the report of a Hungarian who managed a plantation on Sumatra in the 1920s. Mahardika Yudha, Robin Hartanto Honggare and Perdana Roswaldy impressively demonstrate how forests and swamps turned into rigidly organised agricultural areas and how the plantation and its structure became the foundation of the colonial project as such. Suddenly the assumption that “tropic fever” arises from the heat seems doubtful.
Marie Kloos

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Mahardika Yudha, Robin Hartanto Honggare, Perdana Roswaldy
Perdana Roswaldy, Robin Hartanto Honggare
Mahardika Yudha, Syaiful Anwar
Mahardika Yudha
Robin Hartanto Honggare
Mahardika Yudha
Mahardika Yudha
Key Collaborator
Het Nieuwe Instituut, EYE Filmmuseum, Marinus Plantema Foundation
Nominated for: Prize of the Interreligious Jury, FIPRESCI Prize
International Competition 2020
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Truth or Consequences
Hannah Jayanti
A privately operated spaceport in the desert of New Mexico inspires dreams of tourism to new worlds. In the nearby small town, life plans are more modest.
Media Name: 9c8ca268-cb59-489a-9367-02babbc5a6b4.jpg

Truth or Consequences

Truth or Consequences
Hannah Jayanti
International Competition 2020
Documentary Film
103 minutes

Forty kilometres outside the small town of Truth or Consequences in New Mexico, in the middle of the desert, lies “Spaceport America”, the first private space mission launch centre. People there have been dreaming of tourism in space for the past decade. Hannah Jayanti observes the people of the town who live in the shadow of such great ideas. She tells of tiger bites and scrap collectors, of sparkling stones, of trailer life and how painfully the past still affects the present.

What starts out as a tale about humanity’s great plans gradually turns into one of the dreams and stumbling blocks of human beings. Step by step, the film approaches its characters and unfurls into a reflection of what remains of a life. In addition to documentary and historical footage, the director also uses virtual reality techniques. When the camera travels through 3D simulations of empty streets and houses you feel that something long gone is made tangible again – like an expedition to a ghost town, at a time when the population will have long since left the planet in spaceships. But the created images remain patchy, the objects are captured only in spots, almost as if this was a map of the stars.
Marie Kloos

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Hannah Jayanti
Hannah Jayanti
Hannah Jayanti
Sara Archambault
Hannah Jayanti, Scott Hirsch
Bill Frisell
Alexander Porter, Alexander Porter
Nominated for: Prize of the Interreligious Jury, FIPRESCI Prize