Film Archive


Land (Film Archive)

German Competition 2022
Filmstill Slaughterhouses of Modernity
Slaughterhouses of Modernity
Heinz Emigholz
From the Argentinean pampa to the Bolivian highlands to the middle of Berlin: a trenchant critique of German history in its most visible manifestation, architecture.
Filmstill Slaughterhouses of Modernity

Slaughterhouses of Modernity

Schlachthäuser der Moderne
Heinz Emigholz
German Competition 2022
Documentary Film
80 minutes

An Argentinean builder who has built council halls, cemetery gates and abattoirs in the pampa as if from a modernist assembly line. Then a Bolivian architect, whose gaudy functional buildings in the highland defy description and imagination. Last, but not least, a new old palace in the middle of Berlin. Connections are plentiful, none of them edifying. Heinz Emigholz uses them for a pamphlet against stylistic amnesia and historical falsification.

The first film in Heinz Emigholz’s series “Photography and beyond” was released in 1983 and, including the two works screened by DOK Leipzig this year in the Camera Lucida section, there are now 35. But although “Slaughterhouses of Modernity” uses a number of sequences from the other two works, it has little in common with them in terms of form and ductus. While the aforementioned rather minimalist films do without commentary and partly without inserts, this one is characterised by its edgy monologues and courageous use of stylistic inconsistencies. Polemics and black humour are not unusual in Emigholz’s universe. But one has never seen him spoiling for a fight as gleefully as in this complex exploration of German history and its ugly manifestations. Not so much a late work as a new departure.
Christoph Terhechte

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Heinz Emigholz
Heinz Emigholz
Till Beckmann, Heinz Emigholz
Heinz Emigholz, Till Beckmann
Frieder Schlaich, Irene von Alberti
Rolf Bergmann
Esteban Bellotto, Rainer Gerlach, Christian Obermaier, Jochen Jezussek
Kiev Stingl
World Sales
Frieder Schlaich
Key Collaborator
Angel Cordero Siles
Susanne Bredehöft, Heinz Emigholz, Kiev Stingl, Stefan Kolosko, Arno Brandlhuber
Nominated for: VER.DI Prize for Solidarity, Humanity and Fairness
German Competition 2022
Filmstill She Chef
She Chef
Gereon Wetzel, Melanie Liebheit
Agnes travels from luxury kitchen to luxury kitchen. We follow the young woman on a culinary journey that lets us experience the craft of cooking from up close.
Filmstill She Chef

She Chef

Gereon Wetzel, Melanie Liebheit
German Competition 2022
Documentary Film
100 minutes

We’re travelling from luxury kitchen to luxury kitchen with Agnes, from Bergisch Gladbach via Barcelona to the Faroe Islands. The cook’s luggage always includes her backpack containing various knives, cleavers and tweezers. The camera watches over the inquisitive young woman’s shoulder as delicacies are being prepared. Our mouths water. At the same time, we get insights into the different ways of running a restaurant. It’s about team spirit and equality at the stove.

Goethe’s “Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship and Travels” comes to mind, because this observational documentary is also like a novel of development. Agnes is ambitious, knows her craft. She wants to be her own boss one day. She soon finds her way around every new team, takes her place. It’s a sensuous pleasure to watch how the many hands interlock, how culinary creations are lovingly made, delicately plucked salad leaves arranged as decorations. At the same time, Agnes has to struggle against opposition. Her wages are low. A colleague asks her what business she, who has just finished her apprenticeship, has in a three-star restaurant. Agnes is moving in a male domain, in an environment that tends to pass the pressure down. But in the course of her journey, she also comes across collective forms of cooperation and new visions of cooking.
Anke Leweke

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Gereon Wetzel, Melanie Liebheit
Gereon Wetzel
Stephan Bechinger
Florian Brüning, Thomas Herberth, Alireza Golafshan
Melanie Liebheit
Wolf-Maximillian Liebich
World Sales
Georg Gruber
FilmFernsehFonds Bayern, Filmfonds Wien, ORF Film/Fernsehabkommen, Deutscher Filmförderfonds (DFFF), Österreichisches Filminstitut, BKM – Staatsministerin Kultur und Medien, Filmstandort Austria (FISA)
Nominated for: VER.DI Prize for Solidarity, Humanity and Fairness, Young Eyes Film Award, DEFA Sponsoring Prize