Film Archive


Land (Film Archive)

German Competition 2020
Media Name: 097623ed-183d-48d7-9e88-766da1c08354.jpg
We Wanted to Kill All Nasty Ones
Bettina Ellerkamp, Jörg Heitmann
A real-life satire about the incredible acquisition and impossible sale of a bunker mountain – a mixture of serious documentary and bone-dry humorous science fiction.
Media Name: 097623ed-183d-48d7-9e88-766da1c08354.jpg

We Wanted to Kill All Nasty Ones

Wir wollten alle Fiesen killen
Bettina Ellerkamp, Jörg Heitmann
German Competition 2020
Documentary Film
91 minutes

A jumble of emerging history is contrasted with the present efforts to optimise profit through ventures and ominous business ideas. In the midst of this labyrinth is a duo of artists who only want to make films. Their misfortune: the German film funding system allows only those who work in an artistic-documentary style to realise science fiction films. Cause enough to find true science fiction material on real German soil instead of looking for a fiction.

Rothenstein, south of Jena. A mountain, hollowed out and built on. Labyrinthine corridors cast in concrete spread over a distance of more than five kilometres. The film precisely constructs – stone by stone, image by image – a story which, composed as a mirror of German history, touches on archaeological finds from twelve thousand years ago and at the same time projects into the uncertainties of the future. Bizarre energy fields, myths and tales of dragons, plans of U.S. preppers fleeing from the end of the world meet facticities of National-Socialist exploitation and forced labour, stories of flight from the 1930s, and the military history of the GDR.
Borjana Gaković

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Bettina Ellerkamp, Jörg Heitmann
Stephan Helmut Beier
Ginan Seidl, Bettina Ellerkamp
Jörg Heitmann
Ray Peter Maletzki
Production Company
silent green Kulturproduktionen GmbH + Co KG, home productions GmbH