Film Archive


Sections (Film Archive)

Doc Alliance Award 2023
Filmstill 07:15 – Blackbird
07:15 – Blackbird
Judith Auffray
In a cabin in the forest, Jean and Mana listen to various animal species and catalogue voice recordings. When they hear unfamiliar sounds, their curiosity to uncover a secret is aroused.
Filmstill 07:15 – Blackbird

07:15 – Blackbird

7h15 – merle noir
Judith Auffray
Doc Alliance Award 2023
Documentary Film
30 minutes

The setting and cast of characters seem like the prelude to an unusual fairy-tale. An elderly man, a hermit living in a remote cabin, is visited by a young woman, almost a girl, who can understand and imitate the language of birds. Deep in the forest, Jean and Mana record and catalogue the calls of the different species day by day, night by night. But then they hear the voice of an unknown animal and set out to find it.

The focus is on birdcalls and their classification. But instead of making the meticulous analysis of sound events look like a quirky hobby, the film inspires us to listen closely. The two scientists’ unperturbed curiosity is catching, and as we watch, we are gradually infected not just with their enthusiasm for their object of research but also with their childlike desire to discover a secret.

Lina Dinkla

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Judith Auffray
Judith Auffray
Mario Valero, Raimon Gaffier
Judith Auffray
François Bonenfant, Luc-Jérôme Bailleul
Gaël Teicher
Stéphane Debien, Kilian Fanget
Joséphine Auffray, Victor Auffray
Doc Alliance Award 2022
Filmstill 5 Dreamers and a Horse
5 Dreamers and a Horse
Vahagn Khachatryan, Aren Malakyan
Four people embody the contrasting faces of Armenia today. However different their dreams may be, they are all about freedom and self-determination.
Filmstill 5 Dreamers and a Horse

5 Dreamers and a Horse

5 yerazoghnery yev dzin
Vahagn Khachatryan, Aren Malakyan
Doc Alliance Award 2022
Documentary Film
82 minutes

The four people introduced by Aren Malakyan and Vahagn Khachatryan in their debut feature-length film embody the contrasting faces of Armenia today. Some of them are making plans for the future that might even be realised, others strive for seemingly unattainable ideals. What unites them all is the dream of a self-determined life – a near-impossibility in a country where the government tries to control everything and everyone.

Melania, in her mid-sixties, works as a lift operator in a Yerevan hospital and longs for a late career as a cosmonaut. In a way, she seems to be an anachronistic remnant of the Soviet age. The deep country, still ruled by ancient traditions and ideas of happiness, is represented by the farmer Karen, who is looking for the best of all possible wives. And Amasia and Sona own the night over the roofs of the capital. They are part of a new generation ready to fight for a future in which some liberties can be obtained despite a suffocating patriarchy. Occasionally amused, but never judgmental, the two filmmakers watch their native country dream.
Lina Dinkla

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Vahagn Khachatryan, Aren Malakyan
Vahagn Khachatryan, Aren Malakyan, Andranik Sahakyan
Federico Delpero Bejar
Vahagn Khachatryan
Eva Blondiau
Jonathan Darch
Avet Terteryan, Rafael Tunyan
Doc Alliance Award 2023
Filmstill Adjusting
Dejan Petrović
An animal shelter in Serbia, a trainer working with the mixed-breed mutt Vanja. This study about the training of an endearing dog transcends itself and asks: What is freedom?
Filmstill Adjusting


Dejan Petrović
Doc Alliance Award 2023
Documentary Film
19 minutes

An overcrowded dog shelter in Serbia. It’s hard to see how many animals are kept here behind wire mesh in desolate kennels. They are cared for and trained by prison inmates who are shown doing their job without further comment or explanation. However, the camera never focuses on the men’s faces. Observations take place at eye-level with the dogs. Especially shaggy Vanja and his training progress are at the centre of Dejan Petrović’s short study of freedom. The uniform, concentrated shots leave plenty of space for questions, above all whether this (dog’s) life is really unfree or whether the desire for freedom must take a backseat under these circumstances, since there is a roof over one’s head and a task that fills the day. While we are still thinking about this, Vanja with his alert eyes and engaging nature has already found a place – not just in the heart of his initially rather dismissive trainer.

Lina Dinkla

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Dejan Petrović
Dejan Petrović
Dragan Vildović
Aleksandar Uhrin, Aleksandar Popović
Dejan Petrović
Ivica Vidanović
Nikola Cvijanović
Sound Design
Nikola Cvijanović
Vojin Ristivojević
World Sales
Wouter Jansen
Filmstill Disturbed Earth

Disturbed Earth

Disturbed Earth
Kumjana Novakova, Guillermo Carreras-Candi
Doc Alliance Award 2023
Documentary Film
Bosnia & Herzegovina,
North Macedonia
71 minutes

Trucks crawl along the road, decorated with garlands of flowers, loaded with the mortal remains of people who were murdered at the Srebrenica massacre. The bereaved receive the coffins to bury the only recently exhumed and identified dead in the sprawling cemetery of the city which also doubles as a memorial. This is the overwhelming opening of a film that goes on to concentrate on three of the few survivors of this mass murder which claimed the lives of thousands, mainly men and boys, within a few days in that small town in Bosnia and Herzegovina in July 1995.

Srećko returned and now lives in the woods on a hill above the town. Mirza escaped by wandering through the mountains for days and now resides again with his wife in their old house. Mejra has lost her husband and sons and, aged 85 now, still supports herself only from her field. Their quietly observed everyday activities alternate with poignant archive material which shows the inconceivable events in minute detail. Shaky and blurry videos contrast with clear images of fieldwork and an enchantingly innocent nature. The past still weighs heavily, but the tenacity of the human spirit in bearing up under the most horrific circumstances emerges.

Lina Dinkla

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Kumjana Novakova, Guillermo Carreras-Candi
Kumjana Novakova, Guillermo Carreras-Candi
Jelena Maksimović
Guillermo Carreras-Candi, Kumjana Novakova
Sound Design
Oriol Gallart
Doc Alliance Award 2023
Filmstill Kristina
Nikola Spasić
Transwoman Kristina earns her living as a sex worker. She arranges her life serenely and well-ordered, independent of the peculiarities of her profession. A semi-fictional documentary.
Filmstill Kristina


Nikola Spasić
Doc Alliance Award 2023
Documentary Film
90 minutes

Director Nikola Spasić explains in an interview that in this film he was interested in the fluid boundaries between documentary and fiction, and that he found the perfect protagonist in Kristina: someone with an interesting personal story who can also act. And so she plays herself, Kristina, a transsexual sex worker in Serbia. She lives alone with her cat in a beautiful old house, collects antiques and practices ikebana on the terrace of her garden. She meets friends, visits a cloister, lives her religion, arranges a crucifix.

This idyll is regularly interrupted by the obtrusive ringtone of her work mobile. But the meeting with the client who appears at her door a short while later is well-orchestrated and no contradiction to Kristina’s elegant, graceful and serene existence, which she shapes according to her own ideas. All in all, these flawlessly framed and composed tableaus have an element of transcendence. But with his aesthetic directing, Spasić emphasises the incontrovertible freedom of this modern woman whom he captures in a portrait that is both intimate and daring.

Lina Dinkla

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Nikola Spasić
Milanka Gvoic
Igor Lazić
Nikola Spasić
Nikola Spasić, Milanka Gvoic
Igor Lazić
Đorđe Stevanović
Sound Design
Đorđe Stevanović
Đorđe Stevanović
Milanka Gvoic
Doc Alliance Award 2023
Filmstill Silent Sun of Russia
Silent Sun of Russia
Sybilla Tuxen
The film follows three young Russian women after the attack on Ukraine. Stay or leave? A haunting look at a generation in today’s Russia and their lives on the go.
Filmstill Silent Sun of Russia

Silent Sun of Russia

Vi er Rusland
Sybilla Tuxen
Doc Alliance Award 2023
Documentary Film
71 minutes

Alyona, Alik and Katya belong to a generation of young Russian women who demand what they are not allowed. They are part of a global youth that dreams of self-determination and freedom. Sybilla Tuxen followed her protagonists between 2018 and 2022, up to the time of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, when the three young women find themselves in a new reality. Now more than ever, they are rebelling against Putin’s state and have since lived life on the go.

One of them has made it to Georgia, another goes to Spain, while the third stays at home. They keep in touch by smartphone and social media. One hears from their conversations that they, like many others, don’t believe that political engagement can change anything. Their resistance rather consists in leading modern and western lives in which gender, sexuality, pop music and identity issues play important roles. Tuxen’s darkly poetic debut film is set in nocturnal cars, flats and backyards. The transit in which the three find themselves becomes physically tangible. Their stories allow us rare glimpses into an almost invisible side of today’s Russia and the complexity of lived contradiction.

Lina Dinkla

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Sybilla Tuxen
Sybilla Tuxen
Enis Saraçi
Rikke Tambo Andersen, Maria Møller Christoffersen
Sound Design
Mathias Dehn Middelhart
Doc Alliance Award 2022
Filmstill The Eclipse
The Eclipse
Nataša Urban
When Nataša Urban finds her father’s hiking diary, she takes it as a starting point for an enchantingly beautiful film about how she grew up during the Yugoslav War.
Filmstill The Eclipse

The Eclipse

Nataša Urban
Doc Alliance Award 2022
Documentary Film
110 minutes

She left Serbia a long time ago and never looked back. But then Nataša Urban discovered her father’s hiking diary and began to connect his entries to the events of the Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s. The 1999 total eclipse of the sun is the central motif, employed by Urban as a metaphor for the way a dark past remains part of the present.

Kitted out with analogue film equipment, the director travels back to find the stories of her family, intimate friends and acquaintances. She listens to memories of inconceivably cruel acts; she watches the wind blow through leaves of grass. Her father, a lean, grey-haired man, hikes through the forest, striding again through the places he once visited. Dreamlike scenes meet sober descriptions of almost unbearable atrocities. Urban skilfully combines 16 mm and Super 8 film with archive material to explore the blurred boundaries between the individual and the collective, the private and public spheres, the personal and the political, resulting in an enchantingly beautiful work of art, a poetic reflection on growing up during the war.
Lina Dinkla

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Nataša Urban
Nataša Urban
Ivan Marković
Jelena Maksimović
Ingvil Giske
Sound Design
Svenn Jakobsen
Bill Gould, Jared Blum
World Sales
Zorana Vuckovic
Doc Alliance Award 2022
Filmstill The Pawnshop
The Pawnshop
Łukasz Kowalski
The once thriving pawnshop in the Polish city of Bytom is facing bankruptcy. What could help? Drying tears, ladling out soup, marketing drives, giving away presents?
Filmstill The Pawnshop

The Pawnshop

Łukasz Kowalski
Doc Alliance Award 2022
Documentary Film
81 minutes

The Bytom area was once known for its coal mines, but structural change has caught up with it, too. The decline of the region is vividly demonstrated by the pawnshop of the Silesian city. Probably the biggest of its kind in Poland, the shop has seen better days. Jola and Wiesiek, the idiosyncratic operators, are each trying in their own way to cope with the crisis and revive business.

The closing of the mines and the resulting unemployment in Bytom left behind all those who were unable to adapt to the new age. In the huge hall, they put increasingly absurd and worthless objects on the counter. The once lucrative trade in jewellery, electric devices and furniture has dwindled and however hard the employees work, the till stays empty. The wiring is unsound, nerves are raw and the tone between them gets rougher. Before they know it, the small business has turned into a kind of counselling centre: drying tears, ladling out soup and giving away goods instead of selling them. Jola in her voluminous fur coat always has an open ear and a warm blanket ready. Wiesiek devises one marketing scheme after the other. But will it be enough to save their business? A documentary report from the “Polish Detroit”, observed with delicacy and pitch-black humour.
Lina Dinkla

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Łukasz Kowalski
Łukasz Kowalski
Stanislaw Cuske
Adriana Fernández Castellanos, Filip Kowalski, Jakub Darewski, Kosma Kowalczyk
Anna Mazerant, Łukasz Kowalski
Katarzyna Szczerba
Krzysztof Aleksander Janczak
World Sales
Aleksandar Govedarica
Doc Alliance Award 2023
Filmstill waking up in silence
waking up in silence
Mila Zhluktenko, Daniel Asadi Faezi
Once German barracks, now accommodation for refugees: Ukrainian children practice a new language, explore strange rooms. A shimmering summer moment between leaving and arriving.
Filmstill waking up in silence

waking up in silence

waking up in silence
Mila Zhluktenko, Daniel Asadi Faezi
Doc Alliance Award 2023
Documentary Film
17 minutes

The calls of the swifts fill the air. A sound that is the epitome of summer. The sun shines down on a chunky building. Surrounded by this shimmering and seemingly carefree atmosphere, children practice German vocabulary, explore empty rooms, and draw with chalk on the ground in front of the house. But not playground designs like hopscotch. Again and again, they write on the curb: “Putin, stop killing people.”

A former Wehrmacht barracks, later used by the U.S. army, this bright yellow complex now serves as accommodation for refugees from Ukraine. The directing duo’s poetic film captures an instant in the lives of these youngsters: a short and yet decisive moment between two worlds, one of them already left behind, not quite arrived yet in the other and a vague future in sight.

Lina Dinkla

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Mila Zhluktenko, Daniel Asadi Faezi
Mila Zhluktenko, Daniel Asadi Faezi
Tobias Blickle
Mila Zhluktenko, Daniel Asadi Faezi
Mila Zhluktenko, Daniel Asadi Faezi
Andrii Kotliar
Kristina Kilian
Sound Design
Daniel Asadi Faezi, Andrew Mottl
Anton Baibakov
World Sales
Wouter Jansen