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Filmstill No Changes Have Taken In Our Life

No Changes Have Taken In Our Life

Hai nei yang
Xu Jingwei
International Competition Animated Film 2023
Animated Film
43 minutes

After the graduation ceremony, Ba, a young musician, leaves the hall with his tuba over the shoulder. At the door he meets his teacher who makes him promise something: report back as soon as he has found a job. As nobody picks him up at the student residence, Ba makes his own way through the barren rural area. Home at last, he discovers that his father has found a new wife who now lives with him. There is no more room for Ba. He leaves his former home and sets out to look for a job. Various futile attempts to find employment follow, first as a musician, then unrelated to his training. All efforts fail in the face of the absurd requirements of potential employers. Ba would first have to buy an expensive suit and could expect to get wages only after an unpaid initial phase, as he was still a beginner. Ba can only fend off his teacher’s intrusive questions by inventing white lies.

This world, where there is not a shred of green landscape left, where the plaster crumbles from the walls, where everything is falling apart, has no use for the musician Ba. His daily expenses consume his last bit of money. Hopes of happiness and being able to earn his living fade away. Ba’s tuba falls silent.

Franka Sachse

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Xu Jingwei
Yang Leiting, Yang Xintong
Yang Leiting
World Sales
Shuting Li
Winner of: Golden Dove Feature-Length Film (International Competition Animated Film)
Filmstill Sewing Love

Sewing Love

Sewing Love
Xu Yuan
International Competition Animated Film 2023
Animated Film
8 minutes
without dialogue

The two main characters of this film seem made for each other. They literally fit together, merge into each other, melt into a colourful, psychedelic, swirling whole. They function together, until one of them disconnects. The madness of this riot of colours turns into a dark nightmare when the one left behind re-absorbs the other by force. Against her will, the renegade must now be sewn to her partner. The once flourishing relationship degenerates into an irritating visual and audio chaos of aggressively twitching drawings and shattered sounds. Impaled on a gnarly tree, the couple’s bodies decay. As they are dying away, darkness turns into light and fresh blossoms open on the pale bones.

Franka Sachse

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Xu Yuan
Tomokazu Nomura
Sound Design
Nanami Sato
Xu Yuan
Nominated for: Gedanken Aufschluss Prize, mephisto 97.6 Audience Award
Filmstill Such Miracles Do Happen

Such Miracles Do Happen

Takie cuda się zdarzają
Barbara Rupik
International Competition Animated Film 2023
Animated Film
14 minutes

The inhabitants of a village witness an unusual event. The religious figures that surround them come alive and leave their accustomed places. The statues step down from shrines and niches, from altars and pedestals. They turn their backs on the village. Nobody knows where they are heading and why they are departing.

Most of the people are frozen in religious adoration, but some of them overpower a statue of the Virgin Mary and smash it on the ground. The fragments of the broken statue, however, live on, and are still heading away. A young girl – born boneless and unable to move without help – manages to make contact with one of the departing statues.

Franka Sachse

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Barbara Rupik
Barbara Rupik
Barbara Rupik
Barbara Rupik
Agata Golańska
Barbara Rupik
Barbara Rupik
Barbara Rupik
World Sales
Marta Świętek
Winner of: Golden Dove Short Film (International Competition Animated Film)
Filmstill Sultana’s Dream

Sultana’s Dream

El sueño de la Sultana
Isabel Herguera
International Competition Animated Film 2023
Animated Film
86 minutes

Dreamy animated images in detailed henna painting and atmospheric watercolours dominate a young Spanish artist’s moving journey of discovery. In a small bookshop in India, Inés comes across the feminist-utopian science fiction story “Sultana’s Dream.” It is about the terrible revenge on men, the bookseller explains. In the slim volume she wrote in 1905, Rokeya Hossain describes the fantasy realm of Ladyland – a land in which women are self-determined and live in peace, in which they run all government affairs and all forms of education are open to them. And the men? Their place in Ladyland, the bookseller continues, is where they belong: locked up at home.

Fascinated by the literary “painting” of this place and its inventor, Inés sets out in the footsteps of the writer and teacher Hossain, who championed education and equal rights for Indian girls and women as early as the beginning of the 20th century. The trip takes the Spaniard across contemporary India. Her companions are the dreams of Ladyland – and the utterly different realities of the lives of the women she meets on her journey.

Jana Kraft

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Isabel Herguera
Gianmarco Serra, Isabel Herguera
Eduardo Elosegi
Gianmarco Serra
Fabian Driehorst, Chelo Loureiro, Mariano Baratech, Diego Herguera, Iván Miñambres
Sound Design
Simon Bastian, Gianmarco Serra
Gianmarco Serra, Tajdar Junaid
Izibene Oñederra Aramendi, Ana María Sabater Araújo, Paula Valiño Rivera, Sergio Pereira del Castillo, María José Alfonso Torrescusa
World Sales
Wouter Jansen
German Distributor
Vanessa Ciszewski
Artistic Design
Francisco Muñoz de Gregorio, María Manero Muro, Rajesh Thakare, Nelson Cabrera Curbelo, Upamanyu Bhattacharyya, Bhusan Katkar, Aravind Senan, Begoña Vicario, Troy Vasanth
International Competition Animated Film 2023
Filmstill Tender Metalheads
Tender Metalheads
Joan Tomàs Monfort, Carlos Pérez-Reche, Juanjo Sáez
Even Phil Collins cannot stop the development of a deep friendship between Juanjo and Miquel. The two teenage boys have bonded forever over Heavy Metal.
Filmstill Tender Metalheads

Tender Metalheads

Heavies tendres
Joan Tomàs Monfort, Carlos Pérez-Reche, Juanjo Sáez
International Competition Animated Film 2023
Animated Film
80 minutes
German Subtitles for deaf and hard-of-hearing, English

Barcelona, 1991. Juanjo has to repeat the last school year. His new teacher seats him in the last row next to Miquel, who is not exactly happy about this. The two have to write an essay together on the same afternoon. A disagreeable task that is gradually forgotten as they discover that they share a great passion: music!

Juanjo comes from sheltered circumstances, his family pamper him. Miquel is the son of a single mother who could hardly manage to take care of his two siblings without his support. Heavy Metal becomes the refuge and central node of their friendship. Screeching guitars and screamed vocals – with a few remarkable exceptions – are the soundtrack of this exciting but warm-hearted and gentle story that allows a glimpse into the souls of two teenage boys. The film’s visual design is consistently pared down – to the point of leaving out whole sections of the background and character portrayal. The directors’ poignant use of distinctive striking visual elements takes us ingeniously into the world of the two friends. A wonderful journey into a time of changes, insights and growth.

Franka Sachse

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Joan Tomàs Monfort, Carlos Pérez-Reche, Juanjo Sáez
Ivan Morales Jr., Natalia Durán, Enric Pardo, Mario Torrecillas, Yago Alonso
Víctor Xavier Monzó
Juanjo Sáez
Xavier Romero, Elizabeth Méndez
Coser y Cantar
Sound Design
Coser y Cantar
Victor Rago
Filmstill The Family Portrait

The Family Portrait

Obiteljski portret
Lea Vidaković
International Competition Animated Film 2023
Animated Film
14 minutes
without dialogue

András and his daughter Zsófia enjoy a relaxed Sunday in their stately city mansion, just before the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. But soon the silence in the house is disturbed by an escaped pig, closely followed by an unexpected visit: András’ brother, his large family and lots of luggage barge in through the front door. Running children and garrulous relatives bring noise and bedlam to all floors. Art objects are handled without permission, furniture is moved, objects fall to the ground. The visitors have brought chaos. Zsófia’s father and the maid try in vain to restore calm and order. Though András and his brother get closer to each other, the old house is not up to the changed circumstances. A leaking water pipe heralds a finale that at least makes them all stand still together.

Franka Sachse

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Lea Vidaković
Lea Vidaković
Lea Vidaković, Damien Buquen
Iva Kraljević
Draško Ivezić, Jean Francois le Corre, Nikolina Vucetic Zecevic
Sound Design
Zoran Maksimovic
Marion le Guillou, Bilitis Levillain, Violette Delvoye
Nominated for: mephisto 97.6 Audience Award
Filmstill When Adam Changes

When Adam Changes

Adam change lentement
Joël Vaudreuil
International Competition Animated Film 2023
Animated Film
94 minutes

Adam is 15, bullied by his schoolmates and ignored by the girl of his dreams. His grandmother, who has teased him all his life with nasty remarks about his appearance, uses her dying breath to bring home to him once more his supposed physical shortcomings. Even the prospect of the upcoming summer holidays hardly raises Adam’s spirits, because his father has organised several unpleasant holiday jobs for him to build his character. On top of everything else, the teasing and negative comments manifest in Adam in strange deformations of his body which provoke additional stress and ridicule.

Adam is different. He stays outside while the people around him go about their usual – their “normal” – activities. He watches his sister being cheated on by her boyfriend, must bear a neighbour’s fanatical lawn care accuracy and discovers that a resident of his street throws bags of dog faeces up into the branches of the alley trees. The more the daily madness around him becomes evident, the more Adam emerges as an empathetic and mature young adult. Contrary to all claims he, whom the others regard as a strange eccentric, is in control of his life.

Franka Sachse

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Joël Vaudreuil
Joël Vaudreuil
Joël Vaudreuil
David Pierrat, Olivier Picard
Olivier Calvert
Sound Design
Olivier Calvert
Joël Vaudreuil
Nicolas Moussette, Hrsito Karastoyanov
Filmstill Where I Live
Filmstill Where I Live
Filmstill Where I Live

Where I Live

Wo ich wohne
Susi Jirkuff
International Competition Animated Film 2023
Animated Film
11 minutes

“I don’t want to say it out loud, but my flat’s lower down,” the narrator remarks. The camera at first follows her legs climbing up the stairs of the hallway. That is all we see of her. Very soon, her gaze determines our perspective in this unsettling story. At first it all sounds like a mistake, but at some point, the tenant gets used to the fact that in some inexplicable way and completely unceremoniously she is pulled down from the fourth floor to the coal cellar, floor by floor. A decline that the neighbourhood lets happen in deafening silence.

The “falling” protagonist’s irritated soliloquy, sometimes resigned, often full of calculated optimism, is accompanied by charcoal drawings. Their clarity and architectural detail – down to the curlicued decorations of the upper-class mansion – gradually fade over the course of events. The spatial representation becomes more and more vague and is reduced to a few strokes, only to dissolve into soft areas of charcoal dust in the end. In this nightmarish story, reality no longer offers any support, only one’s own ego. Susi Jirkuff has adapted Ilse Aichinger’s eponymous, multilayered story, which was first published in the mid-1950s, with a remarkable urgency that demonstrates the topicality of Aichinger’s text and writing.

André Eckardt

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Susi Jirkuff
Susi Jirkuff
Diego Mosca
Susi Jirkuff
Sound Design
Michael Schreiber
Susi Jirkuff
World Sales
Gerald Weber
Nominated for: mephisto 97.6 Audience Award
Filmstill Y


Matea Kovač
International Competition Animated Film 2023
Animated Film
7 minutes

“Y” sensually draws the progress of a same-sex relationship from playful beginning to turbulent end. Charcoal strokes become the language in which the filmmaker tells us of the process of growing closer to and away from each other, of intimacy and estrangement. A shared chapter of life is sketched, corrected and discarded.

But the line also explores the female body. The tip of the charcoal wanders through curves, hills and valleys, circling soft flanks like a finger and gently stroking breasts and hips. In the darkness of the cinema, the eye is free to glide along the emerging and disappearing shapes. We become part of an erotic triangle and are given an intimate insight into the protean psychological and physical aspects of this partnership.

Franka Sachse

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Matea Kovač
Matea Kovač, Jasna Žmak
Matea Kovač
Vinko Brešan
Vjeran Šalamon
Sound Design
Vjeran Šalamon
Matea Kovač, Darko Bakliža, Kata Gugić
World Sales
Sanja Borčić
Jadranka Đokić
Nominated for: mephisto 97.6 Audience Award
Filmstill Zima


Tomek Popakul, Kasumi Ozeki
International Competition Animated Film 2023
Animated Film
26 minutes
German Subtitles for deaf and hard-of-hearing, English

Going under or a lonely island life – there is not exactly a surfeit of options in this Polish village by the sea. The community functions, but social intercourse is rough, alcohol present. Archaic-seeming rituals and social patterns are handed down from the old to the young men. Winter envelops the village in white silence which every now and then betrays its deceptive appearance in small things. At midnight on Christmas Eve the voices of the dead and tortured souls ring out. Anka lives in the middle of this. The young woman takes hits, gets up, struggles through with her love of Jesus.

“Zima” portrays a state of suspension with occasional rollercoaster rides and builds up to tremendous emotional power. Colours are rare in the black and white drawings of the winter landscape and the dark houses, but when they appear, they lend great intensity to the events. Scenes of daily routines and village life are associatively interwoven both on the sound and graphic level. They burst with excess and expressive design, transforming into mystical dream images.

André Eckardt

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Tomek Popakul, Kasumi Ozeki
Tomek Popakul
Tomek Popakul
Tomek Popakul
Marcin Podolec, Wiktoria Podolec
Michał Fojcik
Sound Design
Michał Fojcik
Tomek Popakul, Jakub Baniak, Alicja Błaszczyńska, Michał Orzechowski, Olga Kłyszewicz
World Sales
Marta Świętek
Artistic Design
Magdalena Basińska, Magdalena Botor, Agnieszka Czachór, Jagoda Czarnowska, Alicja Grotuz, Karolina Kajetanowicz, Marcin Kotliński, Adrianna Matwiejczuk, Katarzyna Melnyk, Michalina Musialik, Maria Nitek, Marcin Podolec, Weronika Szyma, Marcjanna Urbańska, Pola Włodarczyk, Agata Mianowska-Zamarło, Patrycja Ćmak
Nominated for: mephisto 97.6 Audience Award
International Competition Animated Film 2023
Filmstill Zoopticon
Jon Frickey, Thies Mynther, Sandra Trostel
In 2043, humanity launches the spaceship Zoopticon to send a greeting to distant galaxies. An extraterrestrial opera with cheering colours and radiant pop charm in the darkness of space.
Filmstill Zoopticon


Jon Frickey, Thies Mynther, Sandra Trostel
International Competition Animated Film 2023
Animated Film
29 minutes

In 2043, humanity launches a spaceship called Zoopticon to send a greeting to distant galaxies. Lightyears later, the once proud – loaded with valuable cultural artefacts and lots of hope, after all – ambassador’s spirits sink in the infinite expanse. Loneliness leads to a blundering suicide attempt which jolts the spaceship’s body awake, whereupon the genetic material of five animals from five continents stored in petri dishes unexpectedly comes to life.

Jon Frickey, Sandra Trostel and Thies Mynther brush the science fiction classic “2001” against the grain. Their Zoopticon, a benevolent relative of Stanley Kubrick’s supercomputer HAL 9000, takes a surprising route on its odyssey through space. Their extraordinarily stylish animation starts with a moving monologue of the sensitive protagonist and finds its perfect orbit as a grandiose opera gradually begins to unfold – complete with soulful drama, brightly coloured radiant pop charm and tongue-in-cheek cathartic confidence.

André Eckardt

Credits DOK Leipzig Logo

Jon Frickey, Thies Mynther, Sandra Trostel
Jon Frickey, Thies Mynther, Sandra Trostel, Christoph Mathieu
Sandra Trostel
Sandra Trostel
Thies Mynther
Thies Mynther
Jon Frickey
World Sales
Wouter Jansen
Nominated for: mephisto 97.6 Audience Award